The Orchid Society of Great Britain is a registered charity, No. 261273

André Roux
Assistant Editor
Get to know me
I grew up in Zimbabwe and began growing orchids at age 18 – my fascination with these plants only increases with each passing year. A member of the Orchid Society of Great Britain since 2007, I am serving my third term on its management committee. I discuss members’ orchids at the monthly meetings and contribute articles to the OSGB Journal, which I also copy edit and proof read. My professional background as an art director and graphic designer has helped bring to life over 15 Gold and Silver-Gilt medal-winning OSGB displays at RHS Chelsea Flower Show, RHS Hampton Court Palace Garden Festival, and London Orchid Show. In 2012 I qualified as a British Orchid Council judge, having already been an accredited Zimbabwe Orchid Society judge for 15 years. I am currently a member of the RHS Orchid Committee.