The Orchid Society of Great Britain is a registered charity, No. 261273
Affiliated Societies
Application for affiliation by an organisation will need to be approved by the Management Committee and the fee for affiliation will be equal to a single membership fee paid annually. Affiliated Societies will receive the quarterly OSGB Journal and other occasional publications and media when produced by the OSGB. Affiliated Societies’ details will be included on new OSGB members’ welcome letters. Affiliated Societies may be invited to put on displays at OSGB shows. The annual shows of the Affiliated Societies may be advertised free of charge in the Show Diary section of the Journal.
Find your local society using map below (CTRL+Scroll inside the map to zoom)
Bournemouth Orchid Society
Meetings last Friday (except February, July and September and December) at 19:30 at
Bournemouth Natural Science Society, 39 Christchurch Road, Bournemouth, BH1 3NS
Contact: Ken Griffiths, tel: 01425 672492, e-mail: info@bournemouthorchidsociety.org.uk, website: www.bournemouthorchidsociety.org.uk
Cambridge Orchid Society
Meetings first Friday (except January and August) at 19:30 at
Harston Village Hall, High Street, Harston, Cambridge, CB22 7PX
Contact: Sue Johnson, tel: 01279 812704, e-mail: p.johnson63@btinternet.com
website: http://cambridgeorchidsociety.chessck.co.uk/
Cheltenham & District Orchid Society
Meetings fourth Tuesday every month (except December) at 19:30 at
Down Hatherley Village Hall, Down Hatherley Lane, Gloucester, GL2 9QB
Contact: Rod Wells, tel: 01684 294485, e-mail: secretary@cheltenhamorchids.org,
website: www.cheltenhamorchids.org
Central Orchid Society
Meetings are on the last Saturday of most months at
The Church at Perton, Anders Square, Perton, Wolverhampton, WV6 7QH at 2.00 pm.
Contact: Mr Ray Tunnicliff, tel: 01902 750781 e-mail: tunnicliffray@hotmail.com
website: www.centralorchidsociety.org.uk
Croydon and District Orchid Society
Meetings first Tuesday (except January) at 19:30 at
Wallington United Reformed Church, Stanley Park Road, Wallington, Surrey, SM6 0UE
Contact: Michael Penney, tel: 020 8648 7295
Darlington and District Orchid Society
Meetings second Wednesday at 19:00 at
Sadberge Village Hall, Darlington Road, Sadberge, Darlington, DL2 1SB
Contact: Maurice Local, tel: 01642 566761, e-mail: maurice.local@ntworld.com,
website: www.darlingtonos.org
Devon Orchid Society
Meetings third Sunday at 14:00 at
Burnham Nurseries, Forches Cross, Newton Abbot, Devon, TQ12 6PZ
Contact: Clive Lloyd, e-mail: borisbadger@hotmail.com
website: www.devon.ukos.com
Orchid Society of East Anglia
Meetings third Friday at 19:30 at
The Costessey Centre, Longwater Lane, Norwich, NR8 5AH
Contact: Colin Thorburn, tel: 01842 810520, e-mail: colin_thorburn@hotmail.com,
website: www.osea.org.uk
East Midlands Orchid Society
Meetings third Sunday at 14:30 at
Bottesford Village Hall, Bottesford, Nottinghamshire, NG13 0BG
Contact: Kim Pask, tel: 01636 701311, e-mail: kim.pask@btinternet.com,
website: www.eastmidlandsorchidsociety.org
Essex Orchid Society
Meetings second Saturday at 13:30 at
Billericay South Green Memorial Hall, Southend Road, Billericay, CM11 2PR
Contact: Moira Tarrant, tel: 01245 231437, e-mail: moira.tarrant@outlook.com
Harrogate Orchid Society
Meetings at Beckwithshaw Village Hall, Harrogate, HG3 1QW or
RHS Garden Harlow Carr, Crag Lane, Harrogate, HG3 1QB (check website for dates and times)
Contact: Malcolm White, tel: 01535 661616, e-mail: twmwhite@aol.com,
website: www.harrogateorchidsociety.co.uk
Hinckley & District Orchid Society
Meetings first Wednesday (except July and August) at 20:00 at
Barwell Constitutional Club, Chapel Street, Barwell, Leicestershire, LE9 8DD
Contact: Keith Bates, tel: 01455 446793, e-mail: orchids1941@yahoo.com, website: www.hinckleydistrictorchidsociety.com/
Lea Valley Orchid Society
Meetings third Wednesday (except December) at 19:45 at
Waterford Village Hall, High Road, Waterford, Hertford
Contact: Gillian Radley, tel: 01992 550897, e-mail: gillian.radley@yahoo.co.uk,
website: www.leavalleyorchidsociety.com
North of England Orchid Society
Monthly meetings at variable locations usually on the second Saturday at 10:00
(check website for locations, times and dates)
Contact: George Barnes, tel: 01942 810958, e-mail: orchidinfo@orchid.org.uk,
website: www.orchid.org.uk
North East of England Orchid Society
Meetings last Tuesday at 19:15 at
Bowburn Community Centre, Durham Road, Bowburn, Durham, DH6 5AT
Contact: Pat McLean, tel: 0191 4879515, e-mail: mcleanpatriciaw@yahoo.co.uk,
website: www.ne-orchids.org.uk
North Hampshire Orchid Society
Meetings usually third Sunday (check for dates) at 14:00 at
East Oakley Village Hall, Hill Road, East Oakley, Basingstoke, RG23 7JJ
Contact: Lawrence Gray or Gill Britnell, e-mail: chairman@north-hampshire-orchid-society.org.uk,
website: www.north-hampshire-orchid-society.org.uk
Orchid Study Group
Meetings monthly at the National Botanic Garden of Wales, Carmarthenshire, SA32 8HN
Contact: Lynne Harrendence, tel: 01269 269847, e-mail: lynne.harrendence@resqnet.co.uk, website: www.orchidstudygroup.org
Scottish Orchid Society
Four branches: Edinburgh, Glasgow, Perth, and a Country Members branch
Contact: Alan Mackenzie, tel: 01505 614756, e-mail: Gen.secretary@scottishorchid.org,
website: www.scottishorchid.org
Sheffield and District Orchid Society
Meetings monthly on the first Sunday at 10am at
St. John's Church Hall, Abbeydale Road South, Sheffield, S17 3LF
Contact: Paul Hobson, e-mail: paulhobson999@gmail.com,
website: http://sheffieldorchids.co.uk/
Solihull & District Orchid Society
Meetings first Saturday (except August) at 13:00 at
St George & St Teresa Catholic Church Hall, Station Road, Dorridge, B93 8RZ
Contact Tjin Ong e-mail tjin@sky.com tel: 07711 568848[HO1]
website: www.solihullorchidsociety.co.uk
South East Orchid Society
Meetings usually last Sunday (check for dates) at 15:00 at
the Ashford Rail Staff Hall, Beaver Road, Ashford, Kent, TN23 7RR
Contact: Karina Sellers, tel: 01233 720238, e-mail: karinasellers@btinternet.com,
website: http://www.southeastorchids.com/ facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/southeastorchids
South West Orchid Society
Meetings second Sunday at 14:15 at
West Monkton Village Hall, Monkton Heathfield, Taunton, TA2 8NE
Contact: Marian Saunders, tel: 01278 455170, e-mail: msaunders1@mail105.co.uk
Suffolk Orchid Society
Meetings last Wednesday (except July, August and December; November meeting on 18 not 25 in 2015) at 19:30 at
St Michael’s Church Centre, The Drift, Martlesham, Ipswich, IP5 3UY
Contact: Bill Gardiner (Chairman), tel: 07807901863, e-mail: b.p.gardiner@live.co.uk
website: www.suffolkorchid.co.uk
Thames Valley Orchid Society
Meetings monthly, alternating physical meeting (Saturday 11am) or via zoom (Friday 8pm).
Venue for physical meetings: St. Leonards Church, Prospect Place, Watlington, OX49 5AJ
Contact: Jason Baran, Hon. Sec.
e-mail: jason.metin.baran@gmail.com facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/922678387779532/
Irish Orchid Society
Meetings first Monday (except January and August) at 20:00 at
The Botanic Gardens, Glasnevin, Dublin 9, Republic of Ireland
Contact: Shane Kerr, tel: 00 353 1 294 0291, e-mail: info@irishorchidsociety.org
Website: www.irishorchidsociety.org
Ottawa Orchid Society
Meetings third Sunday (except June, July and August) at 13:30 at
Tom Brown Arena, 141 Bayview Road, Ottawa, Ontario, K1Y 4M3, Canada
Contact: Henriette Watkins, tel: (001) 613 235 4570
Website: www.ottawaorchidsociety.com/
Wellington Orchid Society
Meetings second Sunday February – December.
Doors open at 1.30pm. Meeting starts 2.00pm,
James Coe Room, Dowse Art Museum, 45 Laings Road, Lower Hutt 5010, Wellington,
New Zealand (Parking is available down Stevens Grove off Knights Road)
Contact: Paul Herd, tel: 0064/0 4 586 1032, e-mail: paul-herd@extra.co.nz
Website: www.orchidcouncil.org.nz/societies/central-region/wellington