The Orchid Society of Great Britain is a registered charity, No. 261273

Sue Johnson
Membership Secretary
Get to know me
I remember how extremely honoured, and also very daunted, I felt when I was asked if I would consider taking on the role of Membership Secretary of the OSGB in April 2012. I love meeting new people and since I took on the job, it has been such a privilege to have come into contact with so many interesting people from the world of orchids, from all over the world.
Originally trained as a linguist with secretarial studies in the very early 70s, subsequently working in the wine trade and, in local government prior to retirement in 2009, my IT skills were pretty basic. But with the help of my husband, Peter, we are now dab-hands at spreadsheets, label and membership card printing, in fact all the tasks the Membership Secretary needs to do.
Sadly, I have to admit that I am not the one in our household growing the orchids. No time for that with all the members to look after! However, by attending lectures, helping out with displays, going on trips, talking to orchid enthusiasts, I am so grateful to the OSGB for all that I have learnt. It is a truly fantastic organisation, full of wonderfully focused members. Long may it thrive!