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13:30 Doors open - tea, coffee, biscuit and a mingle

14:30 Speaker: Philip Seaton – Growing orchids from seed

15:30 Table Show and a Raffle


Please feel free to come down for a taster meeting if you are considering to join.

Remember you can bring in your plants for growing advice.

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Congratulations to Galina Boyse and her outstanding Chelsea Display Team on obtaining yet another Gold Medal (awarded to us for the 23rd time!) Many thanks for all the hard work and amazing ideas to (in alphabetical order): Catarina Anjos, Marcina Antonova, Adam Boyse, Sophia Kral, Marcin Kulinski, Stuart Meeson, Sally Mill, Henry Oakeley, Zane Rappa, Andre Roux, Joel Soo. Phenomenal work!

The build team: Zane, Galina, Andre, Catarina, Sally

We wouldn't have made it without our sponsors The Baycroft Care Homes and all these wonderful people providing us with plants, including Mike Buckingham, Colin Howard, Jo Kelleher, Stuart Meeson, Sally Mill, Michael Radley, Zane Rappa, Henry Oakeley, Peter Sander, Joel Soo, and Spicesotic Plants

Have a look at the pictures below to see the fantastic display they have put together. The judges commented on the specimen plants, unusual plants, a wide variety of plants, and the elegant design - being particularly impressed with the educational aspect of the display.

They liked the background photos showing orchids in their habitats with their mode of growth (lithophytic, epiphytic etc) all of which synchronised beautifully with miniature plants growing on different media in acrylic cubes at the front, accompanied by the educational photo and text boards explaining growth habits in nature and cultivation.

The beautiful plants and design were needed for the RHS Gold Medal, and the striking, innovative and educational element of the cubes, photos and text made it a sure-fire winner.

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