The Orchid Society of Great Britain is a registered charity, No. 261273
The Photographic and Art Competition Rules
The Photographic and Art Competition will be held at the December meeting. Doors will open at 12:00; all entries must be registered on arrival and should be in place by 13:30. Members are asked to label the reverse of their entries with their name, and the name of the plant (if known).
Please read the schedule carefully:
Class 1 Photographs of an orchid plant, flower or part thereof, prints no larger than 8 x 6 inches (20.3 x 15.2 cm).
Class 2 Photographs of an orchid or orchids taken in the wild showing some natural habitat, prints no larger than 8 x 6 inches (20.3 x 15.2 cm).
Class 3 Photographs of an orchid plant, flower or part thereof, prints greater than 8 x 6 inches (20.3 x 15.2 cm).
Class 4 Photographs of an orchid or orchids taken in the wild showing some natural habitat, prints greater than 8 x 6 inches (20.3 x 15.2 cm).
Class 5 Photographs of an exhibit or display of orchids at a show, nursery or botanic garden, prints greater than 8 x 6 inches (20.3 x 15.2cm).
Class 6a Orchid paintings – any size or type of painting done by a member.
Class 6b Any other non-photographic orchid-related art, eg drawing without painting, needlework, pottery, computer art, cake decoration, flower arranging.
Class 7 Photographs of an orchid (any size) by a member who has previously sold some of their photographic work. See Rule 1 below.
Class 8 Any non-photographic orchid-related art, by a member who has sold some work of the type they are exhibiting, eg painting, drawing, needlework, pottery, computer art, cake decoration, flower arranging. See Rule 1 below.
Rule 1. Classes 1 to 6 are open to amateur OSGB members. Members who have sold any of their photographs or art work of the type they are exhibiting should place these entries in Classes 7 and 8.
Rule 2. The same photograph cannot be entered in more than one class (eg the same photograph or part of a photograph cannot be printed on 8 x 6 inch paper and entered in Class 1 and also on 10 x 8 inch paper and entered in Class 3).
Rule 3. Photographs and paintings entered in a previous OSGB Photographic and Art Competition cannot be entered again.
Rule 4. A member may enter a maximum of three photographs in Classes 1 to 5 (but may enter as many classes as they wish). Up to five entries per person are allowed in Classes 6a, 6b, 7 and 8.
Rule 5. Photos may be professionally printed but not professionally enhanced, except by the exhibitor.
Rule 6. Photographs may be submitted to the competition, at least two weeks in advance, by members who are unable to attend the meeting during which the competition is held. Prints should be sent to the Secretary and can only be returned if accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope (prints only please – digital images cannot be printed by the Society.)
Rule 7. Members present at the meeting will vote for their favourite three entries in each class and entries will be awarded three points for a first place vote, two points for a second place vote and one point for a third place vote. Rosettes will be awarded for the first, second and third highest point-count in each class. In the event of a tie, the number of first place votes will be taken into consideration.
Rule 8. The winner of the OSGB Photographic Trophy for the best photograph will be judged between the winners of Classes 1 to 5 and will be determined by a show of hands after the prize winners in the individual classes have been announced.